Business Class Flights to Cyprus

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Business Class Flights To Cyprus

An island nation with a rich and complex history, Cyprus has so much to offer to the avid traveler, and casual vacationer alike. With both beaches that will dazzle you, and ranges of mountains in the background, this small European destination will make you want to come back over and over again. And with cuisine heavily influenced by Greek and Turkish cooking but with its own distinct flare, a restaurant tour of Cyprus would be a dream for any foodie. No matter what reason you’re headed there, you should be looking at business class flights to Cyprus. When flying business class, your every whim will be taken care of. Need a hot towel for your face? No problem, you’ll have your hot towel in a jiff. Feel like a snack? You’ll be offered a selection of snacks that you never knew existed on an airplane. That’s right, no more dry pretzels for you. In the mood for a beverage that isn’t water? You’ll be taken care of with a bevvy of beverage choices. So have a flute of sparkling wine, lean back, and spread out your legs. Flying to Europe obviously takes much longer than your average flight to Florida, for that reason, it makes more sense than ever to fly business class flights to Cyprus.

Cyprus Airports and Business Class Lounges

Being a relatively small country, Cyprus has only two commercial airports. The largest is Larnaca International Airport. The other is Paphos International Airport, located on the southwest coast of the island. Upon landing on business class flights to Cyprus, you’ll have exclusive access to the airport’s business class lounges. If you’re waiting for a flight while in Cyprus, what better way to pass the time than to lean back and watch an episode of your favorite television show, while you enjoy the complimentary wifi. Have an important meeting in Cyprus? Take advantage of the business center. Replete with computers and printers, you’ll never have to go to that meeting without all your necessary documents, so you can go into that meeting feeling like the king of Cyprus.


Things To Do In Cyprus

Those taking business class flights to Cyprus will want to see St Hilarion Castle as soon as possible. Like the magical castles out of your favorite childhood fairytale, St Hilarion Castle seems to be from another world. As you look up at the amazing walls of stone and magnificent towers, your imagination will abound. Featuring hidden rooms and tunnels, this incredible landmark will bring out the adventurous child in you. Visiting St Hilarion castle, you’ll realize that Cyprus isn’t like the other places you’ve been. Steeped in an almost mythical history, this island will activate your mind and emotions in ways you haven’t before felt.

Not far from the Castle, is the ancient city of Kyrenia. A stunning harbor town, Kyrenia has so much to offer, but even taking a stroll along its twisting, stony streets will have you soaking in its incredible vibes. While in this awe-inspiring city, check out the neighborhood known as Old Town. Take a look at buildings that have been there so long, they seem to be growing out of the ground, and get a true sense of the history of civilization. All that deep thinking is bound to make you hungry. Check out one purveyor of fine Cypriot cuisine, Ikimiz. Run by a mother-daughter team, Ikimiz doesn’t offer a lot of options, but what it does offer will blow your mind. Try the molohiya, an incredible stew fashioned from jute leaves, or the pirohu, a scrumptious pasta made from a recipe as old as the island itself.

Another must-see while in Cyprus is the Pafos Archaeological Site. Just west of Kato Pafos, the site is the remnants of the ancient city of Pafos, dating back to 4th century B.C., and you thought you were getting old! Among other incredible attractions at the site, is the Saranta Kolones Fortress. Not much is understood about the history of the fortress, except that the Lusignans built it in the 12th century, only to have it later be totaled by an earthquake in 1222. So while you’ll never get to witness the true glory of this once great structure, you can still glance upon its arches in wonder.

Getting Around Cyprus

When arriving on business class flights to Cyprus, the public buses are a great way to get into the major cities of Larnaka and Pafos. There are also bus services in the smaller cities like Nicosia, Lemesos and Famagusta. In the South, the taxis are luxurious as they are often Mercedes. Unlike in the North of the island, these taxis sport meters. In the North, fares will have to be agreed upon ahead of time, so take a minute to learn how much your average ride is actually worth, to avoid getting swindled. Because of the political situation, crossing from the North to the South of the island can be complicated. Be sure to check beforehand what your particular passport entitles you to, and whether you may have to acquire the proper documents to make this crossing.

Once you visit Cyprus, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t always been visiting the smaller island nations of the world. France, Portugal, and Germany are well and good, but there’s nothing like learning the eccentricities and oddities of a tiny island. Sometimes we take vacations purely for relaxation, to lie on a beach and soak in the sun. Other times, we vacation to learn about our communal past, as humans who evolved and formed civilizations and societies. There’s no better way to learn about one’s self than through the ancient histories of others, and as Socrates once said, “an unexamined life is not worth living”. Don’t get us wrong though, Cyprus is also a very fun place. When you do travel to this mystic island, we suggest you take business class flights to Cyprus. That way you’ll arrive bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, with a brain sharpened enough to take in all the magic Cyprus has to offer.

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