Business Class Flights to Luxembourg

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Business Class Flights To Luxembourg

Luxembourg has a bit of a reputation for being a business-oriented, no-nonsense city. As the seat of the European Court of Justice and one of the official capitals of the European Union, it’s no wonder that the city seems very serious and dull to the outside eye. The reality, however, is that this is one of the most beautifully scenic cities one could ever hope to visit, with plentiful historic sights, excellent shopping, mouth-watering cosmopolitan cuisine, and winding, picturesque pathways just waiting for you to explore. Discerning travelers choose business class flights to Luxembourg when they decide to visit this incredible city, because they know that nothing beats the incredible on-board experience, with so much room to stretch out, delectable food to enjoy, and attentive customer service. Treat yourself right from the get-go and allow yourself to arrive feeling energized for your time ahead in this world-class European town.

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Luxembourg Airport and Business Class Lounge

Luxembourg Findel Airport is the only international airport in the country with a paved runway. It is located just 3.74 miles east of Luxembourg City and ranks as one of Europe’s busiest airports. Relax at the airport when you arrive on business class flights to Luxembourg. Access to this welcoming, spacious and luxurious lounge ensures that your time is spent enjoyably before and after your flight. Avoid the stressful environment of the main terminal and take advantage of the relaxing and exclusive facilities. From rejuvenating spa treatment, plush seating, and gourmet meals, to world-class cafe services and private work niches, the business class lounge has you covered, whether you are traveling for business or for pleasure.


Things To Do In Luxembourg

Despite its small size, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is chock-full of beautiful historic monuments set on a diverse landscape. When you arrive on business class flights to Luxembourg, you will immediately understand why fairy tales are so often alluded to when describing the country and its capital city. The City of Luxembourg is situated high up on a dramatic cliff top looming over the deep gorges of the Alzette and Pétrusse rivers. This city is known for its breathtaking views and vistas, and you will certainly want to explore the UNESCO-listed old town with its bountiful unexpected tunnels, nooks, and crannies.

A great place to start is the terrace of the remarkable Musée d’Histoire de la Ville de Luxembourg. Ride to the top in a glass lift and take in the breathtaking panoramic view of the city. Take a walk along the Chemin de la Corniche, dubbed ‘Europe’s most beautiful balcony’, which winds around the city’s old defensive walls. You can also stroll around the Ville Basse and, in particular, the area called the Grund. Not only will you get to see the fortress and ramparts from another spectacular angle, but the Grund is also home to the Neumünster Abbey, which hosts concerts, exhibitions, and more. The Bock Casemates are another one of the most popular sights for visitors. Situated beneath the Montée de Clausen, it is a picturesque network of 18th-century underground fortifications. Over the course of its colorful history, the casemates have served many purposes, ranging from garrison to bakery, and they acted as shelter for 35,000 locals during both World Wars. For those keenly interested in the dramatic wartime history of the city and its connection to the United States, there is also the beautiful and thought-provoking US Military Cemetery, close to the airport, where over 5000 American World War II soldiers are buried, including General George Patton, who played a key part in Luxembourg’s liberation in 1944.

The Place Guillaume hosts a market every Wednesday and Saturday, and is also home to some beautiful public art, including the equestrian statue of William II and the two bronze lions in front of the neoclassical town hall. Close to the Place Guillaume you can find the Grand Ducal Palace and Luxembourg Parliament building. Also nearby is the 17th-century Cathedrale de Notre Dame and the Gëlle Fra – the ‘Golden Lady’ – a statue of a woman holding a wreath, which was taken down by Nazis during occupation, but was returned to the site as a symbol of defiance and victory.

Travelers arriving on business class flights to Luxembourg who are hoping to keep up with the latest trends in upscale fashion will want to head to the Grand Rue, north of Place d’Armes. Note that most shops are closed on Sundays in Luxembourg City. Luxembourg, of course, is a very international city and its many fine restaurants reflect this. However, if you’d like to experience some authentic local cuisine, Luxembourg has a lot to offer. A few very traditional dishes are Judd mat Gaardebounden (neck of pork with broad beans), Träipen (fried blood sausage) with applesauce, and écrevisses (crayfish) à la Luxembourgeoise. You will find a specialty known as Ardennes ham served almost everywhere, along with bread called Hameschmier. Pair your meal with a dry white Luxembourgish Moselle wine or a delicious local beer.


Getting Around Luxembourg

Luxembourg has an excellent and inexpensive public transportation system, and day tickets can be used not only for Luxembourg City, but also for the entire country. Tickets may be purchased at vending machines, major stops, and from the bus driver. The buses run between 5:30 am to 10:00 pm, with some extended service on Friday and Saturday nights. The old town is pedestrianized, and the city itself is very small and walkable. There is no better way to see the beautiful scenery and immerse yourself in this fascinating part of the world than to explore it on foot! Bikes can also be rented on a self-serve basis throughout the city. If you are driving in Luxembourg, there are some open-air car parks, and street parking is free on the weekends.

Luxembourg is a city full of surprises and is an excellent choice for travelers wishing to get off the beaten path a little bit, while still enjoying all the history and culture that one would expect from a great European capital. Whether you are traveling for pleasure or for business, be sure to book business class flights to Luxembourg, so that you can experience the best in-flight service, the finest cuisine, and the greatest comfort when you take off to this fantastically gorgeous destination. Have an unforgettably rewarding experience and leave Luxembourg with memories you will treasure for years to come.

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